When purchasing on a Marketplace or adding funds to your Dapper Balance, from time to time a payment will fail. Most commonly, a failed payment on the marketplace is the result of another collector buying the same Moment you were attempting to purchase before you could. When attempting to buy Dapper Balance, your bank may block the charges due to restrictions with purchasing cryptocurrency. Please note: When payments of any kind fail you will not be charged, although different payment methods do take different times to reconcile. When attempting to buy on the marketplace: If you were attempting to pay with your Dapper Balance, most often your refund will be deposited back into your account immediately. During times of high traffic on the site, it may take up to a few hours for your refund to appear. If you were attempting to purchase with your credit card, it will take your bank between 3-5 business days to reconcile and update your statement accordingly. When attempting to add funds to your Dapper Balance: If you were attempting to pay with crypto, Coinbase will let you know if you have underpaid, overpaid, or if there was a late payment. Please note: You will still receive an email from us with the correct amount that we received and your Dapper Balance will be updated according to how much cryptocurrency was sent. This update can take a few hours to appear in your account but can take up to 48 hours during periods of high traffic. If you were attempting to purchase Dapper Balance with your credit card, it will take your bank between 3-5 business days to reconcile and update your statement accordingly. Known Card Issues In addition to the payment failure scenarios listed above, we are also working with our payment provider to solve an issue in which Citibank, Sutton, and Bancorp Bank cards, sometimes, reject our charges. This is because we charge a $0 authorization fee to confirm a card, but that fee is often blocked by Chase's fraud team. If this happens to you, you will need to contact Chase directly and have them approve the $0 charge.