Updating Your Email or Password

Email Address

If you signed up using an email address (as opposed to the Continue with Google or Apple option) you can update your email address by visiting the Account Settings tab in your Dapper account. Under the Account Info tab, you will see an option to Change login email. Simply enter the new email you’d like to use and a verification email will be sent to the new address.

Google or Apple ID Single Sign On

If you signed up for an account using the Continue with Google or Apple option and would like to change the email address associated with your account, please note that we are currently experiencing issues removing this as your primary login method. We recommend waiting for an update to be published if you'd like to change your email address. We are actively working to resolve this however, there is no timeframe for when it will be fixed.

If you have lost access or will be losing access to your social account (Google or Apple ID), please reach out to our Support Team for further assistance.


If you use an email and password to log in, you can update your password by visiting your Dapper account and selecting Change Password under the Security tab. If you originally signed up for your Dapper Wallet by connecting your Google account, please follow the instructions here to update your password.​​​​ If you signed up using your Apple ID, you can follow the instructions here.